DS & Algorithms  Interview question in Javascript

DS & Algorithms Interview question in Javascript

In this blog, i will share the DSA based most asked interview questions. If you are planning to target product based company these questions for you.

In development, For a single problem, there can be multiple solutions. There is no boundaries to stuck with one method.

But when it comes to time and complexity then you have to choose a better solution that checks all the required boxes.

01 Problem - Checking pair that sum zero from an array

const inputArray= [-5,-4,-3,-2,0,2,4,6,8]

function getSumPairZero(array){
  for(let number of array)
      if (number + array[j]===0){
        return [number, array[j]]

const result= getSumPairZero(inputArray);
console.log(result) // [4,-4]

02 Problem - String Anagram ( "hello"--->"llheo")


1:- if string 01 and String 01 letters aren't equal then we could not find an anagram.

2:- Not only letters, but characters should also be the same.

function isAnagram(str1,str2){

  return false;
let count={}
for (let letter of str1){
  count[letter]= (count[letter] ||0 ) +1 ;


for ( let items of str2){
    return false

return true
const output=isAnagram("hello","llheo");
// true

03 Problem - Find unique array

const a = [1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,8,7];
const b=[];

for (let val of a){
